About Me

“What you think you create. What you feel you attract. What you imagine you become.”


Ciao and Welcome,

I’m Piergiorgio Sansone. 

I‘ve been working in ICT since 1998, so I have a techy background, but I also like to define myself as a dreamer and a visionary digital entrepreneur, passionate about the Internet and online business.

I believe we are living in a great time, an evolutionary step where all recent and future discoveries will lead us to completely change our habits, behavioral patterns, and how we relate to people, things, the way to work, and maybe, it is happening right now.


To better understand who am I, let me tell you this: “living a life based on your passions it’s the most beautiful way to live life because it is the only one that makes us truly satisfied. Secondly, helping other people to take a new path online, with success and satisfaction, I think is priceless.”

As you will have understood, the Internet, web marketing and the creation of Online Business are my passions. While building relationships and helping others is in my nature. I couldn’t hold back and I set myself the goal of helping as many people as possible to follow their passions and start their own online business because we must surf this wave and stay in touch with the things that are going to happen.

Even if you’re getting old, as I’m doing , you have to keep going to embrace the unknown, not to be overwhelmed by the wave.

Now I guess you are wondering how we will not be overwhelmed by this process; well, I think the key to everything is simplicity. 

Take things easy without complicating your life too much.