Surfing the Net, and reading Quora, I saw a lot of people interested in learning more about the Wealthy Affiliate. Some of them are worried that it might be a scam, others instead wonder how it is possible to earn money online using this platform.
Well, my intention with this article is to make an order and eliminate any doubt about these negative ideas and show you how easy is it to earn money on Wealthy Affiliate.
The blog is a guaranteed passive income stream, but what does it mean, what it is online passive income.
So, creating a blog is the safest and most constant way the start an online business, the Latins said “Verba volant, Scripta manent”, the words spoke fly away, the written words remain and this is what happens when you start a blog will always be available the those looking for a solution to their problem.
The Wealthy Affiliate, with his huge number of active members, is by far, the most comprehensive, progressive, largest, best affiliate marketing platform/community in the world, I think it is the best and fastest way the start your blogging experience.
The aim of this Platform is the success of his members, that’s it, then everything is focused on it.
Nothing has left the chance and you know what, are the details that determine the success of a product or service, there is everything you need the start an online business from scratch.
If you want the business to grow steadily, growth takes place when it evolves as an entrepreneur, acquiring and applying new knowledge, methods, and strategies in business.
For this reason, it’s essential to follow a good educational program and always be up the date.
In few words as an entrepreneur, you cannot afford the stop studying because the surrounding environment is constantly evolving and businesses must adapt to the evolving environment, to grow.
The Wealthy Affiliate is the perfect platform to constantly grow in your online business, overall if you are a beginner or even an expert marketer. As you will see this platform gives you the solid basic knowledge and also can help you to grow your business from the experience of his community members that’s are over 1.4 Mil people.Education

Wealthy Affiliate provides two types of basic courses depending on what kind of site do you want to implement and the niche you have chosen :
- Online Entrepreneur Certification (50 Lessons): This 5 Phase, 50 Lesson course is going to be the fundamental core of knowledge base and by the time you are finished this training you are going the have the solid foundations to succeed within ANY niche, category or vertical online. This training is updated regularly the keep you ahead of the competition and industry trends.
- Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons): Affiliate Bootcamp is going the take you from the potential newbie in the “make money” niche, and turn you into the thriving and successful entrepreneur. No secret is left unattended, no golden nugget left out. Affiliates that have taken this course are thriving and many will be attending the full expense paid a trip the Vegas this year (and you can too).
In addition, of those awesome Training are also available Classroom provided by the Premium Members.
- Classrooms, Evolving Daily (12 Classrooms): We have the most diverse subset of training in the world. There are MANY ways in which you can build the business and monetize it online. From e-commerce, drop shipping, local marketing, ad sense, Facebook ads, SEO, pay-per-click, email marketing, lead generation, etc. All of these topics are going to be covered within the classrooms and throughout the platform at Wealthy Affiliate. When you don’t see the training you are looking for, simply request it. An expert within the community will build it!
Free Members have access to these educational programs for 10 lessons, each course, and 2 Classrooms. While the Premium Members has access at all the sessions and in addition, are able to access to:
- Weekly LIVE Interactive Classes – Each and every week are available Live Class training from industry experts. Jay, the lead trainer in the live classes, is going the blow the mind and advance the skill sets on a weekly basis with insights into new, and bleeding-edge strategies.
- Plug Into Over 300 Hours of Expert Education – Every live class is published as the “replay” and as the Premium member, you are going the get access the all the past live classes. This includes over 300 hours of education on absolutely every topic imaginable. When you want to redefine business and scale the entirely new levels, this is worth 100x the cost of the membership alone.
- Incredible Catalog of Industry Training – There are 1,000’s of training modules covering pretty much everything you could imagine in terms of running an online business. Every single day there are new training modules being created through the “community training” program. Subject matter experts are contributing the education you get at WA and you get full access when you become Premium.
- Earn Revenue Creating Your Own Training – Want to earn some extra money simply by giving back the community? As the Premium member (after 3 months) you have the ability to create the own video training, text tutorials as well as courses. Payments for training are sent monthly and it can be the way to cut the entire membership costs at WA.
- Your Own Authority WA Blog – The profile also includes a personal blog where you can share your experiences in Wealthy Affiliate with other members, document your journey, write your tutorials, and much more. The nice thing is that the blog is indexed by Google and overtime if they are useful posts they could generate revenue for your profile bringing new users.
As you could see, the Wealthy Affiliate training offer is certainly of a high standard, do you agree?
But WA, in order to offer such high-quality levels in training, must also have an efficient, fast, and innovative infrastructure.
The Infrastructure
To have a successful online business, you need to be one step ahead of others by providing functional work tools that offer great added value to those who use them.
In the case of Wealthy Affiliate, it provides its customers with an excellent and first-rate infrastructure starting from the Website & Hosting Platform and then moving on the Content Management System up the Keyword Search System for indexing content on search engines. But let’s see in detail these elements of the infrastructure:
The Website & Hosting Platform that Wealthy Affiliate makes available to its members is certainly the most innovative, sophisticated, and user-friendly in the world, today.
It is one of the best website hosting platform available. It is equipped with the most useful and integrated tools for the analysis, management, ranking, and security of the website. With this platform, you are able to create an operative website in just a few hours from scratch. Users as the Premium member can build 50 sites, can choose from over 3000 beautiful site theme “mobile” ready and they can improve the site functionalities with 51973 websites plugins so you can design the site in different ways in order the content you are providing. The Free Membership instead has access just for 2 sites 12 themes and the installed WordPress configuration.
But the most important services available as Premium member are what I call the invisible booster:

- SiteManager – From the site dashboard the user can manage all his sites and have access the Backend site and work inside the configuration System from there you can manage the site security, the siteSpeed and performance in general, the siteSecurity and the SiteHealth where you have the screening of all the site on the click it’s an awesome look at this screenshot.
- SiteDomain – The World’s Only All Inclusive Domain Platform. As the Premium member, you will have access the all the domain features for no extra cost with any domain that you register through SiteDomains!
- SiteSpeed – amplify your Website speed A fast website is a higher ranked website that means more people, more visitors, more time on your page, more conversions. Monitoring site speed it’s very important because you need to perform website loading speed if you want the rank first on Google search.
- SiteComment – Explode Your Website Engagement, the Comment Exchange feature increase the engagement on the site also, in this case, that means more engagement, leads the better rankings in search engines. Engagement leads the trust. Trust leads the conversions. Conversions lead the revenue.
Finally, we must not forget the hardware platform on which all this is based. WA has a monitoring and control system including first-order Virus & Malware protection with 24/7 coverage for 365 days and the average response time is less than 5 minutes for any request.
- The Content Management System is another very important aspect is the contents disclosed by the sites, well WA has also thought of this, by providing its members with one of the most innovative Content Management Systems without neglecting any details. With the Site Content, the user is able to create, organize and monitor all the generated content, moreover, it is equipped with one of the most advanced automatic correctors, able to perform the syntactic and grammatical check and automatically solve 100 of the most complex writing expressions. Another highly useful and advanced service is the control of plagiarism before publication which avoids the possibility of incurring copyright problems with content published by others. In order the guarantee the loading speed of the pages, Content Management has the library of 1,000,000 high-resolution images optimized for display. Moreover, with the Site Content Models, the user can configure content and layout structures in a few minutes, in this way the content creation process has an acceleration since the design of 300% simply by exploiting the models.
- The Keyword Search as you know is extremely important today in the internet business and the first leverage that we need the look at the get revenue is to reduce costs. WA has also thought of that, providing free access to the Jaxxy – keyword service, niche, and web search site. This additional service is very important because users will be able the find low competition keys that will guarantee targeted traffic and good search engine rankings over time, reducing traffic costs. Another advantage of this service is the speed with which you get information such as the number of sites that are indexed with that particular word or phrase or which domains are available or even what position you would be placed in search engines and all this in the few seconds, and this is priceless.
Community & Support
Over the years the Community has assumed an increasingly important role in WA, becoming a tool for aggregation, support, and sharing of experiences among all members.
it’s the biggest I’ve ever seen and is online 24/7 to support and help all members worldwide for all the needs you could have to perform the site.
The most beautiful thing is that, to introduce yourself is required involvement in the community from the beginning, in fact, the system invites you to break the ice with the other members by welcoming them with a welcome message where do you explains how the platform works and which are the first steps to follow when you are the beginner. This the best way to create a relationship with other people with different life and work experiences from yours and this it will surely enrich you from the human and professional point of view.
“One of the rules to have success in an online business is to interact with people and create a relationship with them. Well, I think this is the best way to starting”.
This is a wonderful opportunity because in case of need, a doubt, clarification, or even if you need an expert you will have an entire community available 24/7 to solve any problem you may find.
Surely someone in the community will be able the help you by providing you with useful information to solve the problem or even also It could be an opportunity to create collaborations with other people and increase the business for both of them.
In the face of the help, you have received in turn, pay back the community. It is not an obligation but you will certainly get other benefits in the future such as becoming a platform Ambassador. The higher your contribution, the higher your level on the Ambassador scale. The ambassador’s ladder will go up … as will the benefits associated with it. As a Premium member, you participate in the Pay Forward Ambassador program, which is the best way to build influence, trust, and business relationships within the WA community.
The most difficult aspect of building a business online is getting help when you need it. Wealthy Affiliate Premium offers you unlimited access to the many ways in which you can get expert support and help. We are the 24/7/365 community that truly cares and will be there for you all day, every day.
Within the subscription, you can request support in multiple ways and for any type of information. Through the Chat, you will have almost immediate support the average response time is under 5 minutes and is available 365 24/7, for any topic ranging from marketing, Google, or SEO, etc.
Another way the support is the direct mentorship of the founder’s Kayle and Carson you can contact them whenever you want and they are always available the help you.
Within the community, as I said before, you will have access the more than 10,000 experts in the marketing industry with years of experience that are available to you by asking the questions.
Finally, from the technical point of view, you will have access to the top hardware experts for any problems linked to the blog, always with an excellent level of service.
The Training & Tools in detail
In this section I will show you in detail how do works the most important Tools and Training available on Wealthy Affiliate, the give an idea about how much value this Platform provides to their active members.
As you have seen before the available Training is: the Affiliate Bootcamp Training for somebody who wants the start from Make Money Niche or Work From Home or the ones related when to become the main topic. While the Online Entrepreneur Certification is the series of courses walking you through the process of creating and growing the business within absolutely ANY niche that you want.
Let’s get started by Affiliate Bootcamp Training (70 Lessons) 7 module of 10 lessons each:
- Module 1 – Getting the business rolling -This first module is dedicated the building the business on solid foundations. Every long term businesses start from the vision and become a brand on time. This module is the main stone of the foundations of your business.
- Module 2 – Content, Keywords, and Conversions – This module teaches you how the become an expert blogger and how to write the presentable and readable content and how the leverage “keywords” to create content that ranks, and how to make the content that converts.
- Module 3 – Giving Your Site Social Value – This module teaches the whole variety of social aspects that you can incorporate into the site the make it more social, more engaging, and that you can use the get more reach (and traffic).
- Module 4 – Get Visual. Get Aesthetic. Get the Brand Through Media – This module is dedicated the perfecting the site; in appearance, design, and how the produce media content the make it a better experience for the visitors. You will learn how the handle video and images and how to use them in the daily marketing activities
- Module 5 – Knowing the Audience & Catapulting the Referrals – This module is mainly dedicated to how better understand the audience to retain them and convert them into customers and different topics and techniques will be handled specifically for this.
- Module 6 – Bing, Yahoo and the Power of PPC – In this module, you will learn PPC marketing the exploit traffic from other sources than Google, such as Yahoo / Bing which still holds 30% of the market which is a huge slice of potential traffic, regardless of your niche.
- Module 7 – How the Scale Successful PPC Campaign – Creating success in the PPC world is one thing. But it is not as obvious as it seems, once you understand how PPCs work, SCALING the campaigns to create more success. In substance, the purpose of this module is to explain how to create PPC Campaigns in a way that leads the profitability and long-term success.
Now let’s see in detail what you’re going to learn on Online Entrepreneur Certification Training (50 Lessons ) 5 Module 10 lessons each :
- Module 1 – Getting Started – This module is the 10-lesson introductory course that will guide you through the steps of creating a successful online business that generates revenue as an online business owner.
- Module 2 – Building the own Traffic Producing Website – Traffic, regardless of the nature of the online business is the root of all success. When you can learn how the effectively get traffic on the website, you can accomplish an extraordinary amount of success. This 10 lesson training is going the walk you through no-cost traffic generation techniques that will allow you the capture highly relevant traffic in any niche.
- Module 3 – Make Money – Your website it’s ready the content is published and you know how the get traffic…now what? Time for THE MONEY. Once you understand how the get traffic and you start getting traffic, there are many ways in which you can earn revenue. In this course, we are going the walk you through the number of ways you can earn money through the site.
- Module 4 – Mastering Social Engagement – This module is dedicated to all aspects related to social. From social media, social marketing, and social networks. The latest in the social world is the result of social engagement.
- Module 5 – Achieving Maximum Success Through Content Creation – On this module you are going the see how to maximize the conversions working on the content creating high engagement, leaning effective techniques for boosting conversions, and scaling the content through proper goal setting and outsourcing. The goal of this module is going to be understood of how the scale the business through content in the most effective and efficient way.
Did you notice how awesome is this training program? In order for the topics covered and the attention to every detail, it is priceless. Just the names one, the verification tasks at the end of each module.
In my opinion, is proof of the quality of service they provide. They are a great way the check the level of learning to push you to achieve the task before passing the next level. This is one of those details that make the difference with many other training programs, which means that they have care of their members and their success.
In addition, to those training, don’t forget the 12 Classroom provided by many top members that share the community their knowledge :
- Getting Started: 12 videos, 11 tutorials, 5 courses, 0 webinars
- The Wealthy Affiliate Platform: 8 videos,7tutorials,4 courses, 0 webinars
- Authoring & Writing Content :12 video, 54 tutorials, 0 courses, 5 webinars
- WA Affiliate Program: 28 videos,12 tutorials, 5 courses, 1 webinar
- SEO: 8 videos, 29 tutorials, 4 courses, 15 webinars
- Everything WordPress: 90 videos,60 tutorials, 5 courses, 5 webinars
- Keywords, niche & market research: 14 videos, 46 tutorials, 4 courses, 11 webinars
- Social Engagement & Marketing: 19 videos, 27 tutorials, 4 courses, 8 webinars
- Email Marketing: 1 video, 14 tutorials, 5 courses, 2 webinars
- Website Development & Programming: 28 videos, 55 tutorials, 5 courses, 8 webinars
- Local Marketing : 0 videos, 8 tutorials, 4 courses, 12 webinars
- PPC Marketing: 7 videos, 17 tutorials, 5 courses, 1 webinar
- Video Marketing: 15 videos, 5 tutorials, 5 courses, 1 webinar
Regarding instead the tools made available to the users, I want to focus the attention on SiteContent the ultimate writing platform for content marketing, authors, and webmasters.
With this platform, full of features that will help you simplify writing, you will be able to perform and increase the effectiveness and the efficiency of the content, you will be able to define publication goals and organize the contents of the sites.
Among the features available:
- create buckets for the organization
- the internal content search system
- create new articles
- spelling and grammar checking system
- Setting the writing goals
- tracking of writing activity (and statistics)
- creation and management of writing models
- 100 critical grammar and spelling checks
- duplicate content corrector
- automated publishing directly the website
- write statistics and goals
- analysis of the content structure
- ability to satisfy the model
- tips for improving vocabulary
As with all platforms and technology in WA, they are constantly improving it.
The Affiliate Programs available

Recently a very important new feature has been activated, I’m talking about the Affiliate Programs Feature. This is a section dedicated the all the affiliate programs on the net and the available offers, on this section you can literally create your personal affiliate programs list.
To further facilitate the selection of offers, the search system allows you the filter them by country availability, payment options, network commission, commissions, and ratings,
this allows you the access the best free and paying affiliate programs
Who is WA suitable for?
The Wealthy Affiliate is open to everyone as long as they want the work hard for growing their business and the community as well, it is for those who want the get involved, the express their talents and qualities the fullest, as much you give in term of effort and value as much you get back in term of success.
This is not for those who hope to succeed online by pressing the button and doing nothing, for sure.
Make the passions the job and you will see that you will achieve success with the right tools and this is certainly one of the best. You must be patient because you are planting the seed of success and if you work hard and focused on the goals you will receive back the fruits of your commitment.
How much does it cost to join WA?
About the pricing policy, this platform shows how focused it’s on the success of its members providing two types of profiles:
- Free Membership that has limited access the available resources but only in the number of domains 2, 2 publishable sites and 10 training lessons to each training programs and 2 Classroom but sufficient the start up your own business
- Premium Membership paid a $49 monthly fee the access to all features
Even the Price Policy is excellent, have you seen the quantity and value of the services offered? Click here to check it out for all details. Well, honestly I would have expected at least 50% more than the price of a Premium subscription.
Finally, to close, before my final considerations I must talk about the last advantage offered by Wealthy Affiliate as a member of the Platform you also have the opportunity to earn by participating in their affiliate program.

Finally my opinion about WA
There are many ways the start an online business and many people with clear ideas who follow their vision and make it without any support obviously, do not believe that these people need the join into this platform for their business.
However, among many entrepreneurs, there are also those who have many ideas but do not know how to make them a business; Well I advise these people the join into Wealthy Affiliate follow the first 10 lessons, ask questions and become familiar with the platform for at least a couple of months and then decide whether to close their FREE account or switch to Premium subscription.
To these people, I say that, if you really want to create an online business will receive excellent training and an excellent, efficient and functional platform the work with and if they have patience and determination, they will be able to achieve their goals for sure.
However, even to those who would not need the register, I recommend doing so the share their experience with those who need support and some advice to start their own business, the help others there is always again.
Now, you will probably think that since I am personally involved in the platform then my review is biased and untruthful, well you would make a mistake because that is precisely why I can confirm what I have told you.
Finally, I want the say a few words about the many negative comments I’ve read online, do not let yourself be influenced and do not believe everything you hear or read, evaluate things based on your experience and the objective data you collect, do not rely on the opinions of others.
When a product has such a high following, some negative reviews are only the result of the resentment of the writer, because perhaps it has not achieved his goals or even never set up them and failed for this reason. Blame someone or the system is the easiest way to don’t accept your own failure. It is easier to blame a system, while in reality the cause must be sought elsewhere, as always say, people make mistakes, not the systems.
Sometimes the negative reviews are written in favor of something else and most of the time the author of it has never used the platform and wants to take advantage of the traffic it generates by sponsoring other products. Think about it.
Personally, before writing this review and before signing Premium I waited 5 months, for this reason, having followed the courses, tried the functionalities and become familiar with the community, I can speak with knowledge of the facts and I feel able the give a true judgment that is based on my personal experience with people first and the system in second place. Therefore, I can express my opinion, regardless of any economic implications, because when a product or service has such a high and evident level of quality thanks to the result is generated, I can say that:
“if you want to start an online business this is the right place to do it. Period.”
So my advice is this if you are motivated and committed to build an online business, try it for free, you don’t have anything to lose but all to gain.
In addition of this If you want to create an online business and maximize you earnings I suggest you do download the DIGITAL LIFESTYLE FORMULA – ACTION PLAN where I teach you how to build your list and create your business using all the tools reviewed on this site.
The Wealthy Affiliate Platform
Free Premium $49 MoMarketing Education
5.0/5High Quality Infrastructure
5.0/5Top Affiliate Programs
4.0/5World Wide Open
5.0/5Blog available in 30''
- Step by Step training program
- Everything it's focused for your success
- Start your business with Free Membership
- The Community is an incredible resource
- Need time to be profitable
- Not for lazy people!
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